Persistent Challenges Facing People with Disability in Participation in Political Leadership in Busia County
  • Author(s): Vitalis Makokha Shikwati
  • Paper ID: 1704020
  • Page: 181-190
  • Published Date: 20-01-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 7 January-2023

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) affirms that ‘everyone has the right to take part in the government of own country, directly or through freely chosen representatives PWDs in Kenya included. It is on this basis that the United Nations Convention on PWDs recognized the need for inclusivity in political process as part of the issues for adoption.However, opening of opportunities are through legalization or pronouncements of various forms may not be enough assurance of implementation of the same. In Kenya, there are barriers hindering effective participation of PWDs in economic, social and political exclusion which deprive them equal right to enjoy like others.The purpose of the study was to investigate persistent challenges faced by people with disability in participation in political leadership in Busia County.The study targeted all PWDs registered as voters in Busia County that is visual impairment, physical impairment and hearing impairment and albinism. Also, Secretary Generals of 3 major political dominant political parties.It was established that the attitude of PWDs in participation in political leadership was poor with challenges posed by built environment, poor accessibility to information as well as huge financial demands for financing campaigns, a situation that disadvantaged majority of them making them to develop negative attitude in matters related to political leadership. With reforms initiated to promote rights of PWDs such as promotion in political leaders.


IRE Journals:
Vitalis Makokha Shikwati "Persistent Challenges Facing People with Disability in Participation in Political Leadership in Busia County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 7 2023 Page 181-190

Vitalis Makokha Shikwati "Persistent Challenges Facing People with Disability in Participation in Political Leadership in Busia County" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(7)