The purpose of this research is to gain an understanding of management in rural enterprises (BUMDes). In principle, BUMDes ought to be administered in accordance with the principle of sound governance. The primary focus of the issue, however, is managing BUMDes and determining whether or not they are acceptable or not in accordance with the concept. The interpretive paradigm and the case study approach are both used in this research. These studies are based on information provided by sources that are actively involved in and related to the management and activities of BUMDes. The results of this research indicate that village foundations can serve as seed money for BUMDes, that the presence of community members at village meetings can be interpreted as a form of participation, that the existence of village websites and groups on WhatsApp can serve as a form of transparency, and that accounting methods have not yet been applied as a form of financial reporting.
Good Governance; Participation; Transparency; accountability; BUMDes.
IRE Journals:
Hanifa Sri Nuryani
"What Role Business Administration Plays in Rural Communities (BUMDes)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 7 2023 Page 191-197
Hanifa Sri Nuryani
"What Role Business Administration Plays in Rural Communities (BUMDes)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(7)