Technology plays an essential part in the conveyance of information from one individual to another. Smartphones and computers enable effective communication by enabling the transmission of messages to a big group or a single individual, as well as the receipt of feedback. The integration of technology into educational setting has become increasingly important. Emerging technologies like Augmented reality (AR) introduce computer generated images to the real time environment, and we could see the use this technology in gaming and in the entertainment sector. Numerous research have been undertaken globally to determine the use of Augmented reality technology from the perspective of learners. To fill the void, this study investigates the utility and ease of use of technology from the viewpoint of scientific educators. This study is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Likert scale, and interviews with instructors to determine their opinions. In the perspective of educators, augmented reality (AR) offers great potential and advantages in the creation of instructional content. The limitation of the study, which will be addressed in the further research.
Augmented Reality (AR), Teaching learning, Communication, Usefulness of technology, (TAM), ScienceEducation , Scientific learning.
IRE Journals:
Nevil Pradeep Dsouza , Bhargavi D Hemmige
"Teacher’s perspective on using augmented reality in the classroom to teach scientific concepts" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 7 2023 Page 207-213
Nevil Pradeep Dsouza , Bhargavi D Hemmige
"Teacher’s perspective on using augmented reality in the classroom to teach scientific concepts" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(7)