Impact of Organization Restructure in Employee Satisfaction: Evidence from Ethiopia Governmental Organizations.
  • Author(s): Michael Aregawi ; DR. G.S. Vijaya
  • Paper ID: 1703991
  • Page: 48-61
  • Published Date: 11-01-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 7 January-2023

This paper examines the impact of restructuring an organization on employees’ satisfaction. Organizations take initiatives for organizational restructuring because of internal or external factors to increase the performance of an organization and stay in the competitive market. Beyond other resources of an organization, employees should be considered as an important factor that plays a key role for the overall achievementof organization goals. Satisfied employees have a power to make the organization competent and take competitive advantage. An issue related to the influence of restructuring on employee satisfaction has been studied by various researchers. In their studies they found out conclusion, there is anassociation between organizational restructuring and employee satisfaction. 383 respondents who are working in governmental organizations in Ethiopia from four regionalstates were participatedin the study. The objective of the study isinvestigating whether organizational restructuring has an impact on employee satisfaction in Ethiopia governmental organizations. Six factors are extracted from twenty one variables as a factor that intervened in the relationship between restructuring and employee satisfaction. Additional researches are needed to get more insight into the impact of restructure on the overall performance of anorganization. The study practices quantitative research approach and the data were collected using the questionnaire research instrument and analysed by factor analysis and correlation especially spearman’s rank types of correlation. The21 items categorized into 6 components or factors using factor analysis, namely employee empowerment, employee job satisfaction, employee participation, employee motivation, employee work environment these five factors measures employee satisfaction and computed with organizational restructuring, The result of the study shows, there is positive and moderated relationship between empowerment, employee work satisfaction, employee participation, employee motivation, employee work environment and employee satisfaction. Organizational restructuring and employees’ satisfaction has strong and positive relationships, and statistical significant (0.01), the spearman’s rank correlation rs= 0.46, n=383, p-value = 0.000. So, it can be concluded that organizational restructuring have a significant impact on employee satisfaction in governmental organizations in Ethiopia.


IRE Journals:
Michael Aregawi , DR. G.S. Vijaya "Impact of Organization Restructure in Employee Satisfaction: Evidence from Ethiopia Governmental Organizations." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 7 2023 Page 48-61

Michael Aregawi , DR. G.S. Vijaya "Impact of Organization Restructure in Employee Satisfaction: Evidence from Ethiopia Governmental Organizations." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(7)