Teaching Reading Strategies in Phonics
  • Author(s): Nina Rea D. Guzman ; Virginia Pinca-Atutubo
  • Paper ID: 1703963
  • Page: 74-80
  • Published Date: 13-02-2023
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 8 February-2023

This study aimed to determine the teaching reading strategies in phonics in Donsol East I District, Schools Division of Sorsogon, school years 2022-2023. The respondents of this study were 20 pupils and 5 teachers. The descriptive method was used in the study. Documentary analysis of pre and post-test results on phonics and performance along with an unstructured interview and the guide questions provided the data on teaching reading strategies used by teachers in improving the performance of learners in Phonics, and experiences of the teachers in the use of teaching reading strategies. The findings revealed that the results of the pretest of the learners under letter naming uppercase got 26.35%, interpreted as slightly mastered, while letter naming lowercase got 24.81%, letter sounding uppercase got 14.42, and letter sounding lowercase got 16.15% and interpreted as unmastered respectively; the most common teaching reading strategy used was Marungko; the performance level in the post-test in phonics under letter naming uppercase got 48.65% and letter naming lowercase got 40.20% were slightly mastered respectively while the performance level in letter sounding both uppercase and lowercase was 23.85% and 21.84%, unmastered respectively; there is a significant difference between the pre and post-test results of the pupils in letter naming and sounding for uppercase and lowercase and lack of training, insufficient materials, and poor study habits were identified and ranked experiences by the teachers in teaching reading in phonics. It was concluded that the respondents had difficulty in phonics, both in naming and sounding. Marungko is the most used teaching reading strategy in phonics. There is an increase in performance level but did not reach to achieve mastery level in phonics. Lack of training in teaching Reading, and poor study were the leading experiences of the teachers in teaching reading specifically in phonics. It was recommended that teachers need to focus on teaching phonics to ensure the learner’s readiness for a more complicated skill in reading. This is also a need to enhance the use of Marungko as their main strategy in teaching reading; School heads may facilitate regular by means of local monitoring, feedback, coaching, and evaluation activities.


Marungko, Phonics, and strategy.


IRE Journals:
Nina Rea D. Guzman , Virginia Pinca-Atutubo "Teaching Reading Strategies in Phonics " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 8 2023 Page 74-80

Nina Rea D. Guzman , Virginia Pinca-Atutubo "Teaching Reading Strategies in Phonics " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(8)