Influence of Financial Demands by the Clergy on the Attitude of the Congregants among the Protestant Churches in Nairobi County, Kenya
  • Author(s): Alice Lugado Milenja ; Risper Wepukhulu ; Margaret Matisi
  • Paper ID: 1703926
  • Page: 124-132
  • Published Date: 15-12-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 6 December-2022

Any company or institution might experience difficulties with finances, which has resulted in the closure of certain businesses. Sadly, this issue has spread to many places of worship around the world, and Nairobi County's Protestant churches are particularly hard hit. The perpetrators of this evil are the clergy and other church leaders, who have frequently been accused of placing a variety of financial demands on their members and then utilizing the money for personal benefit rather than managing God's business. All the pastors and members of protestant churches in Nairobi City County were the study's target group.The study came to the conclusion that congregation members' attitudes toward the Protestant churches in Nairobi County are greatly influenced by the clergy's financial demands. People in the congregation are uneasy with some clergy members having church funds without a clear strategy and accountability for how the funds would be used to grow the churches. According to the study, clergy of Protestant churches in Nairobi County, Kenya, should lower their financial expectations in order to foster a favorable perception of the church among its members.


IRE Journals:
Alice Lugado Milenja , Risper Wepukhulu , Margaret Matisi "Influence of Financial Demands by the Clergy on the Attitude of the Congregants among the Protestant Churches in Nairobi County, Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 124-132

Alice Lugado Milenja , Risper Wepukhulu , Margaret Matisi "Influence of Financial Demands by the Clergy on the Attitude of the Congregants among the Protestant Churches in Nairobi County, Kenya" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)