Lack of sufficient mass testing tools for viral infectious diseases such as Influenza, common cold, covid-19, mumps, Ebola and many others has contributed to the accelerated spread of the epidemics. Containment of this rapid viral spread requires an extensive testing of the affected individuals in any given society. Current tests for infectious diseases are administered on one – at – a – time basis. These tests are expensive and are limited due to the lack of resources and time. This paper provides a very simple and efficient testing strategy which can significantly reduce the total number of tests compared to individual tests of the entire population. It has been observed that multistage group testing strategy is more economical and efficient in detecting the presence of the virus in a mixed sample of specimens. Multistage method starts by choosing a group from the population to be tested, performing a test on the combined sample from the entire group, and progressively splitting the group further into subgroups. In this paper we develop an adaptive multistage group testing design with the view of studying the behavior of the efficiency of the estimator as the number of stages increases. The method of maximum likelihood estimator is discussed and for comparison with other established estimators, properties of the constructed estimator have also been discussed. From the results it is evident that the asymptotic relative efficiency increases with each additional stage. This proposed design is efficient and simple to be deployed in containment of any infectious disease.
Group testing, multistage, asymptotic relative efficiency.
IRE Journals:
Sirengo John Luca
"Efficient Method for Estimating the Presence of a Viral Infectious Disease and How to Control Its Rapid Spread in a Population" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 61-66
Sirengo John Luca
"Efficient Method for Estimating the Presence of a Viral Infectious Disease and How to Control Its Rapid Spread in a Population" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)