Determination of Binding and Selective Efficacy of Two Chelating Agents towards Two Essential Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution
  • Author(s): Ishola K. T ; Odedokun O. A ; Bolarinwa O.T. ; Ajayi, T.A. ; Adeyemi M.I
  • Paper ID: 1703907
  • Page: 182-189
  • Published Date: 23-12-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 6 December-2022

Many transition metals such as cobalt and copper are involved in a large number of essential biological reactions and without them life could not exist. Lack of these metals as well as their presence at higher concentration can cause serious disruption of homeostasis in organism. Regulation of these metals could be achieved medically through chelating agents. Therefore, this study investigated chelating abilities and selectivity of thiobarbituric acid and L-methonine towards Cu (II) and Co (II) and their distribution in aqueous medium at 35 o C as a function of pH using potentiometric titration method and Hyperquard Simulation and Speciation program (HySS). The ionic strength of solutions was maintained at 0.02 M using NaNO3. The stability of ternary complexes with respect to binary complexes was determined by logK. pH-metric analysis revealed chelating ability of the chelators towards the metal ions in the order of Cu(II) > Co(II) with L-methionine forming more stable binary complexes than thiobarbituric acid complexes. Ternary complexes were found to be more stable than the corresponding binary complexes. The chelators formed stable binary complexes with the metal ions within pH 4-8 and their mixture formed more stable ternary complexes within pH of 7.0-10.0. The ligands demonstrated high metal binding capability and different selectivity towards the investigated metal ions. Therefore, each ligand and their mixed-ligand complexes could be useful in regulating amount of the metal ions present in organisms.


Binary complexes, Chelating agent, Methionine, Speciation, Ternary Complexes, Thiobarturic acid


IRE Journals:
Ishola K. T , Odedokun O. A , Bolarinwa O.T. , Ajayi, T.A. , Adeyemi M.I "Determination of Binding and Selective Efficacy of Two Chelating Agents towards Two Essential Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 182-189

Ishola K. T , Odedokun O. A , Bolarinwa O.T. , Ajayi, T.A. , Adeyemi M.I "Determination of Binding and Selective Efficacy of Two Chelating Agents towards Two Essential Metal Ions in Aqueous Solution" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)