Architectural Evaluation of Multipurpose Storage Facility in Bauchi-Nigeria
  • Author(s): Abdulrazak Shuaibu Jimoh ; Muhammad Sulaiman Mahdi ; Musa Hamza
  • Paper ID: 1703896
  • Page: 83-89
  • Published Date: 24-11-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 5 November-2022

An investigation conducted to determine the nature of storage facilities among major markets/shopping centres in four locations; Central market & Naheem Heights in Bauchi, Dawanau International grain market and Singer market in Kano. Three main activities in storage and warehousing were consider in the research work and these are; method of operation, handling and security of goods and the storage techniques involved. The major problem encountered within and around these business areas evaluated. Interviews conducted with all the managers/chairpersons of these business centres, the information gathered, and the other observation made are use in analytical comparisons of activities in these markets. Naheem Heights operates 100% wholesale and deal mainly with household consumables only without any avenue for retail sales. In contrast with central, singer and Dawanau markets, which have both wholesale and retail section, dealing in bags, kilos and unit sales. The mode of operations in all the studied area is the same, order picking, other received, and payment at the counter. Handling and picking of goods are manually as there is no provision for mechanical handling equipment. The security is control by the shop owner through various union by employing the services of vigilante group for the protection of their property. The use of modern security surveillance equipment is completely out of the contest, which very important for many reasons. The major problem encountered in most business transactions in these centres is the lack of basic auxiliary facilities such as management, fire safety and security and mechanical handling equipment. It is necessary, that businesses involve in storage activities are engaged in an uncomfortable facilities, in haphazard and not ideal manner and situation. This made it possible for the government and other private developers to invest heavily in the design and construction of a storage and warehouse facilities.


Architecture, Storage Facilities, Mode of Operations, Security


IRE Journals:
Abdulrazak Shuaibu Jimoh , Muhammad Sulaiman Mahdi , Musa Hamza "Architectural Evaluation of Multipurpose Storage Facility in Bauchi-Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 5 2022 Page 83-89

Abdulrazak Shuaibu Jimoh , Muhammad Sulaiman Mahdi , Musa Hamza "Architectural Evaluation of Multipurpose Storage Facility in Bauchi-Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(5)