Improved Internet of Things based Prison Break Monitoring and Alarming System A Case Study of Degema Prisons
  • Author(s): Uranta, Chika Joyce ; S. Orike ; B.J. Luckyn
  • Paper ID: 1703883
  • Page: 149-153
  • Published Date: 04-12-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 5 November-2022

This work is focused at improvement of internet of things prison break monitoring and alarming system, a case study at Degema Prisons. Thus, the understanding of the existing design from previous works about the monitoring and alarming system. Though the previous design has many flaw as sensor can only identify the presence of individual or object at 2cm to the device. The improvement enabled the system to activate alarming at 20cm from the device with the help of sensors and internet of things enabling the monitoring team to notice the current event. The design was simulated using proteins software and test for effectiveness. The simulation was test with the previous and a graph showed that our improvement will make the prison monitoring and alarm system effective.


IoT, Alarming System, Monitoring System,


IRE Journals:
Uranta, Chika Joyce , S. Orike , B.J. Luckyn "Improved Internet of Things based Prison Break Monitoring and Alarming System A Case Study of Degema Prisons" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 5 2022 Page 149-153

Uranta, Chika Joyce , S. Orike , B.J. Luckyn "Improved Internet of Things based Prison Break Monitoring and Alarming System A Case Study of Degema Prisons" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(5)