In the globalised scenario, the adoption of an eco- friendly culture is become more prominent. An enthusiasm, intensions, decisions made by the consumers about the future generation lead to the emergence of a concept called green consumerism. Green consumerism literally means a state in which consumers demand product and services that have undergone an eco- friendly production process as well as recycling and safeguarding the planet’s resources. Green marketing and green products introduction brings a worldwide acceptance of green consumerism. Vulnerabilities of industrialization endangered our environment. Raising the sea level, increase emission of green house gases, pollutions, deforestation are the few. Sustainability is the main factor that helping the humans to meet their personal goals in the present and for the future generation. Only by conserving the present energy sources of the environment can help him to develop sustainably. Thus there is an interconnection between green consumerism and sustainable development. This paper focuses on the green consumerism and sustainable development in terms of its importance, factors affecting it and major barriers.
green consumerism, sustainable development, environment, consumers
IRE Journals:
Theresa Nileena N. S
"A Study on Green Consumerism and Sustainable Development" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 4 2022 Page 144-146
Theresa Nileena N. S
"A Study on Green Consumerism and Sustainable Development" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(4)