Writing is one of the four macro skills along with listening, reading, and speaking. Good writing skills allow an individual to express himself with clarity and ease to a far larger audience. With the complexity of the demands of modern society, expanding economic and technological advancements, the need for highly-qualified writers for the near future is rigorous. Thus, skills in writing technical reports would be one of the most invaluable assets of any individual, not only in their academic endeavors but also in their profession. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of the process approach in teaching writing in the light of the Zone of Proximal Development of Vygotsky, which would be the basis for the development of writing modules. A descriptive research method was used for this study. Furthermore, with the use of this method, the researcher was able to know the learning difficulties and strengths of the students which helped in the production of writing modules. The study concluded that (1) the students were able to meet the required standards in terms of Content, Organization, Vocabulary, and Language Use except for the Mechanics before the implementation of the process approach; (2) the students earned higher writing performance in terms of all the criteria after the implementation of the process approach; (3) the students were challenged mainly with Content and Organization while Mechanics appeared to be the constant writing problem; (4) the process approach is effective in teaching writing. There is a significant difference between the overall writing performance of the students before and after the implementation of the process approach; and (5) writing modules (Writing Process) with the use of reading selections to serve as the students’ resources for evidence, reading comprehension, and finding meaning using context clues, and some grammar exercises are the proposed instructional materials.
Peer Tutoring, Process Approach, Scaffolding, Writing Performance, Writing Process, and ZPD or Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development
IRE Journals:
Amiel M. Yacon , Josephine Cruz
"The Process Approach in Teaching Writing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 4 2022 Page 135-143
Amiel M. Yacon , Josephine Cruz
"The Process Approach in Teaching Writing" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(4)