Religious organizations in Ethiopia has many sources of Conflict, but conflicts of interest and power are the main sources of Conflict. Despite the legal framework to prevent many religious conflicts, the lack of consistent religious policy and law remains a major problem. The study's overall purpose is to maintain Peace and respect, resolve Conflict, and build cultural Peace among religious organizations and their followers establishing religious policy and law in Ethiopia focused on these two religious organizations. The fundamental goal of this research is to investigate the major sources of inter-and intra-religious organizations' conflicts and their resolutions in Ethiopia. Conflict is a struggle over values or claims to status of power and scarce resources. Like any secular institution, Religious organizations have places of worship, and human resources easily enter into conflicts. The causes of religious organizations can be classified as internal and external. External conflicts come out as the result of religious extremism. Internal causes are divided into three categories. Conflicts arise between religious organizations and the organizations with the government. Two religious organizations will undertake the research. In Addis Ababa, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church (EOTC) and Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC). The nature of the study (exploring the lived experiences of people and institutions) required a qualitative research approach, which ensures a thorough examination of the views and perspectives of key informants and a careful review of written sources.
Christians, Conflict, EOTC, EIASC, Islam, Religion, Religious Organizations.
IRE Journals:
Bitew Kassaw Belay
"The Post-1991 Religious Conflicts in Ethiopia: The Case of Two Religious Organizations in Addis Ababa" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 4 2022 Page 55-68
Bitew Kassaw Belay
"The Post-1991 Religious Conflicts in Ethiopia: The Case of Two Religious Organizations in Addis Ababa" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(4)