This paper explains the experimental findings on a Four o'clock plants (Mirabilis jalapa). The plant was in Texas USA and the flowers were blooming at about 4 pm of Texas standard time. The seeds of it were brought to India and plants were raised from those seeds. The first observation is that the flowers from these plants started blooming at the Indian standard time of 4 pm. The second experimental finding is that when the bud was plucked from the flower at 3 pm, the flower bloomed at 6.30 pm. The third experimental finding was that the blooming pattern was exactly same even on rainy and cloudy days. The fourth experimental finding is that when the whole plant is kept inside the house without exposing to sunlight, then also the flowers bloomed at 4 pm. These results are explained and analyzed. The paper also highlights the scope for further work regarding these experiments.
Adjusting to local time, Flower blooming, sensing elements, Sunlight.
IRE Journals:
Jayaram A S
"Experimental Findings on Four O’clock Plant (Mirabilis Jalapa)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 3 2022 Page 128-132
Jayaram A S
"Experimental Findings on Four O’clock Plant (Mirabilis Jalapa)" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(3)