Regenerative braking without the assistance of the frictional brakes is achieved in this project. Energy is recovered while braking and the wheels are made to brake completely as well. Although, maintenance of new parts has emerged like maintenance of battery, motor, etc. But there still left the maintenance of brake pads because they are still used in EVs. This project has showed the probability of a braking system that is regenerating energy while braking and does not require much help or any help of brake pads for completely stopping the vehicle.
Regenerative braking, conventional brakes, brake pads, Electric Vehicle, Maintenance free.
IRE Journals:
Kadri Mohd Ismail , Khan Abuzar , Khan Amaan , Fahad Shaikh , Sayyed Ahmed
"Regenerative Braking System without Conventional Brakes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 6 2022 Page 1-6
Kadri Mohd Ismail , Khan Abuzar , Khan Amaan , Fahad Shaikh , Sayyed Ahmed
"Regenerative Braking System without Conventional Brakes" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(6)