In order to understand the behavior of contaminant transport through different types of media, several researchers are carrying out experimental investigations through laboratory and field studies. Many of them are working on the analytical and numerical studies to simulate the movement of contaminants in soil and groundwater of the contaminant transport. A key to the management of groundwater is the ability to model the movement of fluids and contaminants in the subsurface environment. It is obvious that the contaminant source activities cannot be completely eliminated and perhaps our water bodies will continue to serve as receptors of vast quantities of waste. The solution is obtained for the given mathematical model in a finite length initially solute free domain. The input condition is considered continuous of uniform and of increasing nature both. The solution has been obtained using Laplace transform, moving coordinates and Duhamel’s theorem is used to get the solution in terms of complementary error function.
Advection, dispersion, adsorption, Integral transforms, Fick’s law, Moving coordinates, Duhamel’s theorem
IRE Journals:
Niranjan C M , Sudheendra S R
"Mathematical Modelling of Transport of Pollutants of Longitudinal Dispersion in Unsaturated Porous Media" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 2 2022 Page 146-152
Niranjan C M , Sudheendra S R
"Mathematical Modelling of Transport of Pollutants of Longitudinal Dispersion in Unsaturated Porous Media" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(2)