Modification of Design and Testing of Power Recovery on Single Cylinder SI Engine Carbureted with Sole Ethanol
  • Author(s): Han Lwin Soe ; Dr. Than Than Htike ; Kyaw Myat Moe
  • Paper ID: 1703747
  • Page: 67-74
  • Published Date: 06-08-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 2 August-2022

This paper is concerned with the design modification for power recovery on single cylinder spark ignition engine using with the ethanol as the alternative fuel in Myanmar. 95 percent of ethanol product is available in local market. The main purpose of the experiment is to recover the power downgrade using the locally produced ethanol in Myanmar and to test the engine performance compared with the gasoline and ethanol usage in rural areas. This is intended how to upgrade the engine performance when using the gasoline engine with ethanol. The engine is firstly modified the engine’s carburetor to put more fuel because the ethanol has less calorific heating value compared with that of gasoline. After that, the engine power is still downgrading. As the second step, cylinder head is grinded to increase the compression ratio from 8 to 9 because of its higher octane number. There is the important factor to optimize the spark ignition timing. The normal spark advance ignition timing for the gasoline at 3000rpm is 30ºBTDC. The optimum spark timing for ethanol is 35ºBTDC. According to the test, the result of using locally produced pure ethanol after modification of the engine parts is that the brake power for the ethanol is the same as the usage of gasoline at 2450 rpm in running condition. At the speed of 3000rpm, the brake power can be upgraded up to approximately 4% when using ethanol. As a disadvantage, the fuel consumption of ethanol is still approximately 35% higher than that of gasoline. The exhaust emission of ethanol is good enough to clean the environment as a benefit.


95percent Ethanol, Increasing Compression Ratio, Modified Engine’s Carburetor, Optimum Spark Timing, Recover Power Downgrade.


IRE Journals:
Han Lwin Soe , Dr. Than Than Htike , Kyaw Myat Moe "Modification of Design and Testing of Power Recovery on Single Cylinder SI Engine Carbureted with Sole Ethanol" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 2 2022 Page 67-74

Han Lwin Soe , Dr. Than Than Htike , Kyaw Myat Moe "Modification of Design and Testing of Power Recovery on Single Cylinder SI Engine Carbureted with Sole Ethanol" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(2)