Religious Hegemony and the Role of Neo-rich and Priests in Contemporary South India
  • Author(s): Chakrapani Ghanta ; Dr. Ravi Kumar Mala
  • Paper ID: 1703729
  • Page: 10-23
  • Published Date: 31-07-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 2 August-2022

The caste, religion, and economic and political domains have a vital space in Indian society. There are extensive studies on these; however, given less significance to read about the religious hegemony of the neo-rich through changing religious sentiments and raising the ritual status of the deity and themselves. The neo-rich and other religious forces cumulatively act to produce a religious identity and elevate the status. They understand the dynamics of these aspects presented through two religious traditions, local and mainstream. The first is dominant ritually within closed geographical boundaries; the latter is a dominant mainstream religion representing large population membership of practice in India. Religion with a dynamic character is contested in multiple ways in which the representatives of its spread are political leaders, priests, and neo-rich. Such instances in city space have given scope for the identity crisis. The local deity traditions have given a new opportunity for the neo-rich and priests to change the sacred structure and rituals of practice that aimed at creating self-identities in the reflexive religious modernity. The neo-rich and Brahmin priests have become manipulative and monopolizing forces of society's religious and social structures. These expose the power relationships in the society and constitute religious hegemony. This kind of differentiated worship can structure and restructure social relations without hindering other social aspects intertwined with religion, particularly in South India.


IRE Journals:
Chakrapani Ghanta , Dr. Ravi Kumar Mala "Religious Hegemony and the Role of Neo-rich and Priests in Contemporary South India " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 2 2022 Page 10-23

Chakrapani Ghanta , Dr. Ravi Kumar Mala "Religious Hegemony and the Role of Neo-rich and Priests in Contemporary South India " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(2)