Mutual Fund: Analysis of the Performance in Long Term
  • Author(s): Debasish Biswas
  • Paper ID: 1703726
  • Page: 1-9
  • Published Date: 31-07-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 2 August-2022

LPG had ushered in a new era in the evolution of the Indian mutual fund sector. Since then the industry continued to grow by leaps and bounds to reach a big and expectable position. Furthermore, with the increasing emphasis in domestic savings and investment through markets, need and scope for mutual fund investment has gained a dramatic pace. Mutual fund is a collective investment vehicle that pools the money from the investors. Those are purchasing unit from mutual fund. Considering this large investment interest, performance evaluation of the mutual fund schemes always remains in vogue and merits for a continuous assessment. In practice, active fund managers always strive to outperform the market and diversify the risk by resorting to scores of strategies like strategic asset allocation, selection of securities (micro-forecasting), market timing (macro-forecasting), etc. The present paper examines analysis the performance of mutual fund in long term basis. This performance can be measured by two ways one is selected schemes performance and the other ways is managerial performance. We concluded that our selected schemes were performed well as compare with their benchmark in long run but managerial performance was not acceptable.


Mutual Fund, Stock Selection, Market Timing, Diversification


IRE Journals:
Debasish Biswas "Mutual Fund: Analysis of the Performance in Long Term" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 2 2022 Page 1-9

Debasish Biswas "Mutual Fund: Analysis of the Performance in Long Term" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(2)