The Home Care program still seems foreign to the Sumbawa people, in particular, this is due to the lack of socialization about this program. As a result, many Sumbawa people do not know what the concept and service procedures of this Home Care Program are. In addition, the level of public awareness and understanding of the need for the success of the Home Care Program is also a separate problem that must be faced by the implementers of Home Care services. The purpose of this study was to formulate a model of the relationship between indicators of health service innovation "Home Care" and service quality in influencing patient satisfaction at H.L. Hospital. Manambai Abdulkadir. This research is quantitative research with an associative or relationship approach. The population and sample in this study were patients who used the H.L. Hospital Home Care Services. Manambai Abdul Kadir with a total sample of 70 respondents. The validity and reliability tests were carried out in this study using a data analysis method known as Partial Least Square (PLS), PLS is an equation that belongs to the field of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the Home Care Service innovation at H.L. The influential Manambai Abdul Kadir expects patient satisfaction, then the quality of service at the H.L. Hospital. Manambai Abdul Kadir is able to influence patient satisfaction and finally, the results of this study indicate that the interaction of Home Care Service Innovation with Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction. The results of this study are able to prove that the service quality variable as a mediating variable has a positive and significant influence on the relationship between Home Care Service Innovation and Patient Satisfaction. Providing good home care services for H.L. Hospital patients Manambai Abdul Kadir will have a positive influence on patient satisfaction, in conditions of good (positive) service quality, this means that Service Quality will strengthen the relationship between Home Care services Innovations offered by H.L. Hospital. Manambai Abdul Kadir on the level of patient satisfaction as a service user of the hospital, in this case, patient satisfaction, will tend to increase. It is recommended for further research related to service quality to be carried out using other variables outside of the effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability variables. This is intended to determine other factors that affect the quality of service at H.L. Hospital. Manambai Abdul Kadir.
Home Care Services, Service Quality, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Patient Satisfaction.
IRE Journals:
Lalu Ashari Cahyadi , Dedy Heriwibowo , Rudi Masniadi
"Home Care Innovation Relationship Model, Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction at Hospital H.L. Manambai Abdul Kadir" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 638-646
Lalu Ashari Cahyadi , Dedy Heriwibowo , Rudi Masniadi
"Home Care Innovation Relationship Model, Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction at Hospital H.L. Manambai Abdul Kadir" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)