Smart Selfie Based on Computer Vision
  • Author(s): Sangamesh Houshetty ; Saba Shireen ; Shabari Rathod ; Shabista Mehrish
  • Paper ID: 1703687
  • Page: 511-515
  • Published Date: 23-07-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 1 July-2022

In this Project, we will use computer vision to implement real-time face detection and tracking of the lips position from high-definition video. As Face detection and recogni-tion from an image or a video is a popular topic in biomet-rics research, it has widely attracted attention due to its enormous application value and market potential, such as real-time video sur-veil lance system. For face detection and tracking the location of the lips, we use the OpenCV library. The experimental findings were produced utilizing computer vision and OpenCV framework libraries at 30 frames per second at 1080p resolutions for increased accu-racy and speed. lance system. For face detection and tracking the location of the lips, we use the OpenCV library. The experimental findings were produced utilizing computer vision and OpenCV framework libraries at 30 frames per second at 1080p resolutions for increased accuracy and speed in face detection and tracking of lips position, as well as taking a high-definition smart selfie.


IRE Journals:
Sangamesh Houshetty , Saba Shireen , Shabari Rathod , Shabista Mehrish "Smart Selfie Based on Computer Vision" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 511-515

Sangamesh Houshetty , Saba Shireen , Shabari Rathod , Shabista Mehrish "Smart Selfie Based on Computer Vision" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)