Smart technologies are increasingly being utilized in all areas to improve our lives. The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. A large number of impairments and disabilities in human body is increasing day by day. So to improve the quality of life of disabled people researchers think on the necessity of simple and natural human-machine control interface. This paper presents an IoT-based hand gesture control system utilizing a combination of EMG and motion-related signals from an inertial measurement unit (IMU). By using the system, a user can use eight different hand gestures to remote control electrical devices of a smart home in real-time. The entire system from sensing devices to an end-user application was implemented. Two use cases including light bulb control and robot arm control were used for testing and validating the system. This present an embedded solution for real-time EMG based hand gesture recognition. It involves acquisition of EMG signal, hand gesture recognition and controlling.
Internet of Things (IoT), EMG (Electromyography), Sensing devices, Human machine interface, Hand Gesture Recognition, Real-Time.
IRE Journals:
Swetha K B , Harshitha J
"EMG-based IoT System using Hand Gestures for Remote Control Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 481-485
Swetha K B , Harshitha J
"EMG-based IoT System using Hand Gestures for Remote Control Applications" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)