Now a day’s due to global warming and climate changes there are challenging situation in field of coal mine. To reduce the cost and improve the productivity along with product quality the atomization in the field of coal mine is indeed necessary, which will also reduce the mine workers efforts. This paper proposes a design of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with the help of controller which is able to monitor the temperature, humidity, gas, LDR, IR sensors in an underground mine. This system also controls the ventilation demand to mine workers depending upon present climate conditions within the mine field. This system utilizes the low power, cost effective controller a temperature sensor LM35, humidity sensor, IR sensors, gas sensor, LDR sensor for sensing the mine climate parameters and Wi-Fi for remote logging of data at central location to control the climate state with the help of motor and value control circuitry
Internet of things, Thingspeak, Arduino, Mine Safety System, Wireless Sensor Network
IRE Journals:
Adithya Sheelvant , Premala Bhande , Md Azharuddin , Gopal
"IoT-Based Smart Mine Safety System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 427-431
Adithya Sheelvant , Premala Bhande , Md Azharuddin , Gopal
"IoT-Based Smart Mine Safety System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)