Determination of Electrical Specification of a Biogas System on A Poultry at Minalin, Pampanga
  • Author(s): Dawson Carl D. Garcia ; Bryan Adona ; Ronette Guinto ; Darwin Mangio; Excelyn Joyce Tolentino ; Freneil Pampo; Russel Torres
  • Paper ID: 1703640
  • Page: 313-325
  • Published Date: 15-07-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 6 Issue 1 July-2022

One of the effective approaches to address the issue of sustainability is to produce electricity using renewable energy. It is established that electrical loads on a poultry farm run 24 hours a day, and an alternate source of energy, such as a biogas system, can help keep the other electrical demands running, add in the fact that poultry farming is a rising industry. This study aims to determine the electrical specification of a biogas system on a poultry farm at Minalin, Pampanga, the equivalent electrical output from the biogas, and to see what if the biogas can power the electrical equipment on the farm. To determine all the needed specifications and achieve the objectives, the researchers conducted an interview on the farm with one of the managing heads. The responses were analysed together with other references. Using the computations presented on this research the researchers concluded that the needed electrical specifications for the generators, wires, and panel board are two 24 kVA dual fuel generators, for panel board 1, THW+ THW(G) for panel board 2, THW+ THW(G), 70 AT, 100 AF, 2P, Single Phase. The researchers have also concluded the size of the digester/ gas holder which has a radius of approximately 3.5 meters and a height of 6 meters. Finally, the biogas system's production of 15.25 kWh demonstrates that all of the poultry's electrical equipment, which is listed in the load schedule and totals around 14.5 kWh, can be powered by the biogas system.


IRE Journals:
Dawson Carl D. Garcia , Bryan Adona , Ronette Guinto , Darwin Mangio; Excelyn Joyce Tolentino , Freneil Pampo; Russel Torres "Determination of Electrical Specification of a Biogas System on A Poultry at Minalin, Pampanga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 313-325

Dawson Carl D. Garcia , Bryan Adona , Ronette Guinto , Darwin Mangio; Excelyn Joyce Tolentino , Freneil Pampo; Russel Torres "Determination of Electrical Specification of a Biogas System on A Poultry at Minalin, Pampanga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)