This study investigated the Return of Investment Analysis of Solar Powered DHVSU Gymnasium since solar energy is a vital consideration for cleaner energy source and to take advantage of the investments and jobs created by future solar power installation. The research data gathering focused on the previous monthly bills for general loads of the gymnasium, the estimated cost of the proposed solar project, monthly consumption gymnasium, and the roof area of the University Gymnasium. This study aimed to determine the Return of Investment of solar powered DHVSU Gymnasium. Also, the researchers identified the estimated cost for solar set-up, the payback periods of the estimated return of investment, and calculated the return of investment by conducting collateral interviews which are deemed valuable to obtain the objective/s of the study and by requesting relevant documents to the PELCO II. The researchers were able to compare the return of investment of 60.3 kW capacity and the 36.4 kW capacity of solar. The framework showed the steps in determination and evaluation of the inputs that includes the formulas and process that the proponents used to come up with the output. The study findings revealed that a 36.4 kW capacity solar PV system generates 4455 kWh, while the 60.3 kW -capacity solar PV system generates 6735 kWh. It is also indicated that a 36.4 kW capacity and 60.3 kW capacity solar PV system consumed 81 and 134 pieces of solar panel to satisfy the needs of a 36.4 kW and 60.3 kW solar PV system respectively. The Net profit was determined in accordance with the exported power of the 36.4 kW and 60.3 kW capacity solar PV system adding the annual monthly bill of the DHVSU gymnasium and deducting the cost of maintenance.
Renewable energy, Solar Panel, Power generation, Monthly bill, Return of Investment (ROI), Roof Area, DHVSU gymnasium, Payback periods, PELCO II, Net profit.
IRE Journals:
Louie James B Gojar , John Mark P. Liscano , Herbert C. Manalansan , Marco T. Magcalas , Freneil Pampo; Ralph Laurence Parungao
"Return of Investment Analysis of Solar Powered DHVSU Gymnasium" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 217-229
Louie James B Gojar , John Mark P. Liscano , Herbert C. Manalansan , Marco T. Magcalas , Freneil Pampo; Ralph Laurence Parungao
"Return of Investment Analysis of Solar Powered DHVSU Gymnasium" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)