Contingency analysis is an important function of power system security. The security assessment is an important task because it offers information regarding the system state in the event of a contingency. The contingency analysis method is being widely used to predict the result of outages like failures of apparatus, conductor, etc, and to require necessary actions to stay the facility system secure and reliable. This paper gives us information on PIDFs and LODFs violations & remedial action to remove violations. Detailed studies have been carried out to work out the contingency plans.
Contingency analysis, LODFs, PTDFs, generation and transmission planning.
IRE Journals:
Shikhar Sharma , Vishal V. Mehtre
"Contingency Analysis of Power System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 6 Issue 1 2022 Page 15-18
Shikhar Sharma , Vishal V. Mehtre
"Contingency Analysis of Power System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 6(1)