Utilization of Video Lessons as Mathematics Intervention Material in Modular Distance Learning
  • Author(s): Mc Carlo Trinidad ; Lourdes Vertudes ; Aljon Carl Garcia
  • Paper ID: 1703547
  • Page: 235-240
  • Published Date: 30-06-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 12 June-2022

— Distance learning is commonly used, especially since most countries are coping with a pandemic. As a result, it is critical to consider ways to ensure that teachers' and learners' teaching and learning processes run smoothly. Despite teachers' best efforts during the previous grading period, some learners got Learning Outcome Assessments (LOA) that fell short of the expected performance level of 75%. Therefore, teachers created video lessons to address the issue and used them as intervention material. This study assessed video lessons as mathematics intervention material for 105 struggling grade 10 students at Pililla National High School's Modular Distance Learning Modality. For the two quarters covered by the intervention, the Grade 10 respondents received mean scores of 8.39 and 11.04 on the pretest. The authors used video lessons to address the learners' requirements. The study's findings suggested that learners' performance improved before and after video lessons, as evidenced by the posttest examination. However, the pretest and posttest findings in the two quarters varied significantly. This implies that video lessons as intervention material for modular distance learning can help learners improve their mathematical understanding and performance. Using this material helped learners perform better academically. The video lessons directed learners through coping with the tasks presented to them as part of their module, and they gained confidence in answering them. Learners also learned to devise approaches to mathematical problems incorporated into the module activities. This indicates that learners were more willing to watch videos to achieve better grades in class.


Distance Learning, Intervention, Mathematics, Video Lessons


IRE Journals:
Mc Carlo Trinidad , Lourdes Vertudes , Aljon Carl Garcia "Utilization of Video Lessons as Mathematics Intervention Material in Modular Distance Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 12 2022 Page 235-240

Mc Carlo Trinidad , Lourdes Vertudes , Aljon Carl Garcia "Utilization of Video Lessons as Mathematics Intervention Material in Modular Distance Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(12)