In the present-day shopping system, one of the difficulties is to follow the queue through the billing process which is time-consuming. Hence this project aims to reduce the average time spent by the customer at the shopping mall by implementing an automatic billing system using RFID technology. The main aim of the project is to satisfy the customer and to reduce the time spent on the billing process which is to complete the billing process in the trolley rather than waiting in a queue even for one or two products. The customers must add the products after a short scan in the trolley and when the shopping is done the finalized amount will be displayed in the trolley. A customer could either pay their bill by their pre-recharged customer card provided by the shop. Finally, the whole information will be sent to the central Pc of the shopping mall. The billing counter can at any point of the time inquire about the current items present in the trolley. This will turn out to be very beneficial for the retail stores as more people will enjoy the shopping experience and come more often to shop.
IoT, Arduino, LCD.
IRE Journals:
Bhagyashree , Kavya , Vijaylaxmi , Sushma , Prof. Shravan Kumar
"Smart Shopping Trolley Based on RFID" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 12 2022 Page 170-172
Bhagyashree , Kavya , Vijaylaxmi , Sushma , Prof. Shravan Kumar
"Smart Shopping Trolley Based on RFID" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(12)