Strategies Used to Minimize Conflicts in the Church in Bungoma
  • Author(s): Margaret Nanjala Matisi
  • Paper ID: 1703511
  • Page: 43-51
  • Published Date: 16-06-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 12 June-2022

Conflicts can be destructive in nature, every organization, from corporations to non-profits, from schools to churches; can be transformed by learning to embrace conflict and to develop innovative strategies for organizational transformation. The purpose of this study was to identify strategies used to minimize conflicts in PEFA church in Bungoma County. This study was guided by the instrumentalism and constructivism theory, which helped in identifying structural and institutional characteristics of PEFA church. The findings revealed that Pastors encourage their church members to attend special interdenominational meetings like crusades to demonstrate universality of the body of Christ, adherence to the great commission and fighting denominational mind-set. The study also found out from elders that PEFA churches have organized institutional means for conflict resolution such as board of elders basically on departmental levels such as women, men and youth, though sometimes these institutionalized strategies are never enforced equally. Formation of Home Cell Groups (HCGs) aimed at enhancing interpersonal relationship, spiritual growth and socio-economic welfare among members hence some of the conflicts are handled by the HCG leaders. Majority of bishops observed that the process of resolving doctrinal differences was based on Biblical principles. Based on the findings of this study the following conclusions were drawn in line with the study objectives. The study revealed that youth have established their own ways of minimizing conflicts through drawing programs that address potential and already existing issues that affect them and they are allowed by some of their pastors to invite other youths with good moral standing to give spiritual and motivational talks. Through formation of board of elders every church has empowered every departmental head to resolve conflicts without involving the pastoral team or board of elders. In addition, departmental heads are free to come up with need based programs to address emerging issues within their jurisdiction and such programs are fully supported by the church board. That the formation of Home Cell Groups (HCGs) was aimed at enhancing interpersonal relationship, spiritual growth and socio-economic welfare among members hence, some of the conflicts are handled by the HCG leaders. Finally the study established that the process of resolving doctrinal differences was based on Biblical principles. The study recommends that the church should form disciplinary committees to handle conflict at every level.


IRE Journals:
Margaret Nanjala Matisi "Strategies Used to Minimize Conflicts in the Church in Bungoma" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 12 2022 Page 43-51

Margaret Nanjala Matisi "Strategies Used to Minimize Conflicts in the Church in Bungoma" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(12)