Cost Management and Optimization in Automation Infrastructure
  • Author(s): Prathyusha Nama
  • Paper ID: 1703493
  • Page: 276-285
  • Published Date: 01-07-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 12 June-2022

The effective cost control and cost reduction on automation infrastructure have emerged as important factors for organizations intending to implement the solution with the goal of achieving scalability. In line with technology advancements like the use of AI, RPA and cloud solutions, the ability to control operational costs while maintaining efficiency is a major issue. In this context, cost control means the correct distribution of resources, the use of computing resources and the minimum of time for their work, the rejection of duplicate activities, and their automation. Some optimization techniques include; using cloud solutions that help to minimize capital costs, dynamic scaling which helps handle fluctuating workloads, and software licensing costs. Also, the use of data analysis through analytics can assist the organization in tracking the usage and determine areas of low efficiency for corrective measures to be taken. With complexity of automation infrastructure, there is a challenge of capital investment in automation systems and the cost savings that accrue from such investment in the long run through reduction in labor costs and increased efficiency. In this way, organizations can make sure that automation infrastructure is effective, efficient and sustainable in terms of costs and resources, and positively influence the competitive advantage and financial performance of an enterprise.


Cost Reduction, Automation Efficiency, Infrastructure Scaling, Operational Optimization


IRE Journals:
Prathyusha Nama "Cost Management and Optimization in Automation Infrastructure" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 12 2022 Page 276-285

Prathyusha Nama "Cost Management and Optimization in Automation Infrastructure" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(12)