The influence of turbine inlet temperature of the performance of a gas turbine power plant utilized for electricity has been done. The investigation which comprises of recorded turbine data that were used to compute the parameters of power output, power differential, compressor work, turbine work, heat supplied, net work, SFC, AFR, and thermal efficiency of the gas turbine power plant. Correlation of these parameters with the turbine inlet temperature showed close dependence on this temperature. The resulting equations are therefore useful in predicting any of the parameters with known values of turbine inlet temperature for the particular type of this turbine plant excepting that of the power output, air-fuel ratio and thermal efficiency which showed decreasing trends with increase of turbine inlet temperature.
Influence, Turbine inlet temperature, Plant parameters, Performance
IRE Journals:
Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Abdurrahman Ali Duze
"Influence of Turbine Inlet Temperature of The Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant Utilized for Electricity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 11 2022 Page 155-161
Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Abdurrahman Ali Duze
"Influence of Turbine Inlet Temperature of The Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant Utilized for Electricity" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(11)