Ending Menace of Building Collapse Through Collaborative Development Control
  • Author(s): Ademola Adebayo ; Ahmed Bukola Siyanbola ; Serifat Siyanbola
  • Paper ID: 1703414
  • Page: 146-154
  • Published Date: 25-05-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 11 May-2022

In addition to planlessness, inadequate development of control mechanism has contributed immensely to some of the environmental and physical planning challenges cities in developing countries face. The poor living environment, blighted communities, urban sprawl and the very recently talked about building collapse in the country have all lent credence to this development. To build an inclusive city void of or with the bearest minimum sustainable development challenges, there is thus the need for collaboration and public participation not only at the level of development but also at the regulatory function of physical planning. The argument of this paper focused on entrenchment of professional collaboration in physical planning development control towards ending the menace of building collapse in Nigeria. Data were gathered through secondary sources and the analysis was content based. Findings revealed that the incessant reported cases of building collapse observed in the country were as a result of non-compliance to materials specification, lack of supervision/inspection during construction, avoidance of building permit, use of quacks among many others. The paper therefore suggested development control platforms through which collaboration can take place among the professionals in the building industry to end the menace.


Control, Collaboration, Development, Inclusive City, Professionals.


IRE Journals:
Ademola Adebayo , Ahmed Bukola Siyanbola , Serifat Siyanbola "Ending Menace of Building Collapse Through Collaborative Development Control" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 11 2022 Page 146-154

Ademola Adebayo , Ahmed Bukola Siyanbola , Serifat Siyanbola "Ending Menace of Building Collapse Through Collaborative Development Control" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(11)