Career management is the process by which individuals collect information about values, interests, skill strengths and weaknesses, identify a career goal, and engage in career strategies that increase the probability that career goals to be achieved. Good organisations see career management as a goal to provide their employees superior opportunities to grow and develop as professionals. This study therefore examined the effect of career management on SMEs performance. One hundred and eighty-five questionnaires were completed and returned. The principal tools for analysis of data are carried out with the help of regression analysis. The results reveal that that career management variables (experience and personal growth) had positive influence on SMEs performance by indication, it enhances SMEs performance. Also, the joint predictors of career management variables had positive influence on SMEs performance which indicated that they jointly contributed to the increase in SMEs performance. In the light of the above conclusions, the study recommended that SME owners should come up with strategies that will enhances experience and guarantee personal growth, this will give employee the necessary confidence in the firm's career growth and development, which can result in reduction of turnover rate, improved customer service and ultimately generates higher profits for the company.
Career Management, SMEs Performance, Experience, Personal Growth, Development and Growth.
IRE Journals:
Dr. Salau Adeyemi Nurudeen
"Career Management and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 10 2022 Page 256-263
Dr. Salau Adeyemi Nurudeen
"Career Management and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(10)