Crop Yield Forecasting Using Machine Learning
  • Author(s): Tanuja Anil Sawant ; Priyanka Vijaysinh Sawant ; Neha Vasant Raorane ; Supriya Nalawade
  • Paper ID: 1703377
  • Page: 169-172
  • Published Date: 23-04-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 10 April-2022

Climate change has become a major issue in India in last two decades.Because of this agricultural crops are getting affected.Prediction of crop yield in advance can be helpful for farmers to decide the measurement of their storage and market- ing as well as logistics for business can be planned.Because of this project farmers will get to know the yield of crop and then they can decide what to cultivate in their fields.By building a prototype of interactive prediction system it tries to solve the issue.By using machine learning algorithm and web based graphic user interface implementation of this system can be carried out and the prediction results will be available for farmers.There are different types of algorithms like random forest available for such kind of data analytics and using those algorithms we can predict the yield of crop. issues like temperature,weather,rainfall cannot be overcome as there is no proper solution.To increase the economic growth of crop yield in India,there are many ways.Data mining can also be used for prediction of crop yield production.In data mining,the data is analysed from various viewpoint and then summarize it into important information.Random forest operates by constructing multitude of decision trees at the time of training and generates output of the class that is mode of the classes(classification) or mean prediction(regression) of individual tree.


IRE Journals:
Tanuja Anil Sawant , Priyanka Vijaysinh Sawant , Neha Vasant Raorane , Supriya Nalawade "Crop Yield Forecasting Using Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 10 2022 Page 169-172

Tanuja Anil Sawant , Priyanka Vijaysinh Sawant , Neha Vasant Raorane , Supriya Nalawade "Crop Yield Forecasting Using Machine Learning" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(10)