Chettinad ilCement ilCorporation ilLimited il(CCCL) ilincorporated ilin il1962 iland ilpart ilof ilthe ilChettinad ilgroup, ilis ilengaged ilin ilthe ilmanufacture ilof ilcement ilsince il1967. ilThe ilgroup ilhas ilvaried ilbusiness linterests ilin ilcement, ilengineering, illogistics, iltransportation, ilhospitals iland ilother ilsectors. CCCL iloperates ilfour ilcement ilmanufacturing ilfacilities ilsituated ilat ilPuliyur, ilKarikkali iland ilAriyalur ilin ilthe ilstate ilof ilTamil ilNadu il(TN) iland ilGulbarga ilin ilthe ilstate ilof ilKarnataka. ilAs ilon ilMarch il31, il2014, ilthe ilcompany’s ilaggregate ilinstalled ilcapacity ilstood ilat il11 ilmillion iltonnes ilper ilannum il(MTPA). ilCCCL ilhas ilavailability ilof ilthermal il– ilbased ilcaptive ilpower ilplants il(CPP) ilin ilall ilits ilmanufacturing ilfacilities. ilThe ilcompany ilalso ilpossesses ilcaptive ilthermal ilpower ilplants ilwith ilan ilaggregate ilcapacity ilof il135 ilMW ilof ilpower ilgeneration.
IRE Journals:
Bhadrappa Haralayya
"Employees Performance Appraisal of Chettinad Cement Gulbarga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 9 2022 Page 267-277
Bhadrappa Haralayya
"Employees Performance Appraisal of Chettinad Cement Gulbarga" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(9)