The global market faces several problems now-a-days because of variable macroeconomic variables like Inflation, Unemployment rate, Exchange rate ,Bank interest rate (FD),GST,GDP etc,. This variable plays vital role in price fluctuations in the global market. This empirical study which helps the investor to satisfy expectations on their investment. Many investors willing to make an investment in Equity shares, Derivative market, Post office saving schemes, Real estate, Provident fund, Mutual funds, Crypto currency for capital appreciation. In COVID -19 period most people lost their jobs which affect country’s economic growth and this research may help new investors to attain more returns on investment (ROI) with minimum risk. Many investors focus their investment in Gold and Insurance for their future safety and wealth maximization. This research work related descriptive research design and research methodology includes both primary and secondary data. This research is analyzed thorough statistical tools such as Simple percentage method; Chi square test; Correlation and regression analyze .This research helps to identify the best investment avenues for long term as well as short term investors.
Economic growth, Investment avenues, Risk, Return on Investment, COVID-19
IRE Journals:
Dr. E. Kalaivani , Dr. M. Ramakrishnan , R. Poovizhi
"A Study on Empirical Investigation of Various Returns in Different Investment Avenues During Pre and Post COVID-19" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 9 2022 Page 6-12
Dr. E. Kalaivani , Dr. M. Ramakrishnan , R. Poovizhi
"A Study on Empirical Investigation of Various Returns in Different Investment Avenues During Pre and Post COVID-19" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(9)