Historicization of intra-ethnic conflict among the Sabaot Community of Mt. Elgon Kenya
  • Author(s): Precious Joan Wapukha
  • Paper ID: 1703155
  • Page: 303-311
  • Published Date: 26-01-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 7 January-2022

Intra-ethnic conflict among the Sabaot of Mt. Elgon has been a recurrent issue since colonial period. Colonial land ordinance of 1915 led to the evacuation of the Sabaot from Chepkitale to Mt. Elgon area. The two clans that are identified by their regions of settlement that is the Mossop the upper side while Soy on the lower side of the Mountain. The evacuation and resettlement of the Mosop clan from the upper side to the Chepyuk I, II, III, is point of contention and has sparked conflict that has emerged from allegation of corruption and biasness of land allocation and distribution. This study sought to historicize clan conflict among the Sabaot. This study was theorized by constructivists, which stipulates that colonial authorities influenced patterns of ethnic identity creation in African society. The study employed a historical research design that sought to unravel major issues concerning the trends of intra-ethnic conflict among the Sabaot. The designs provided a deeper insight into the various dimensions of intra-ethnic conflicts among the Sabaot regarding historical trends. This conflicts has been experienced since colonial period until the post-colonial period. The conflict in the area is propelled by factors such as boundary disputes, governance as well as negative ethnicity escalated the volatile situations in the county. This study recommends that conflict can be resolved by critically analyzing and unraveling the interlude between conflict and historical trajectory of the Sabaot. The stakeholders should not focus on the superficial unfoldment of conflict instead they unravel dippers issues that have affected the community over the years


Intra-ethnic Conflict, Colonial Period, Historical Trends


IRE Journals:
Precious Joan Wapukha "Historicization of intra-ethnic conflict among the Sabaot Community of Mt. Elgon Kenya " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 7 2022 Page 303-311

Precious Joan Wapukha "Historicization of intra-ethnic conflict among the Sabaot Community of Mt. Elgon Kenya " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(7)