Corrosion Of Aluminum Alloys
  • Author(s): A. I. Ijomah ; N. E. Nwankwo ; M. C. Anukwonke ; I. G. Chibueze
  • Paper ID: 1703095
  • Page: 26-31
  • Published Date: 06-01-2022
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 7 January-2022

The corrosion resistance of a series of aluminium alloys, comprising binary Al-Cu, Al-Si, Al-Mg, Al-Zn and ternary Al-Si-Cu alloys, was investigated. These alloys were respectively corroded in 60gl-1 NaOH (pH = 13.6) and their characteristics weight loss versus time responses correlated with alloying concentrations, inherent microstructural details and topographical features (corrosion profiles). It was found that corrosion rate progressively increased with increasing alloying concentration and the weight loss versus time responses followed an essentially linear behavior indicative of uniform rate of corrosion, except for Al - 5% Cu and Al – 5% Si alloys whose behaviour departed markedly from linearity and was anomalous. This deviation was attributed to serious segregation effects, owing to intensive grain-boundary precipitation of the second phase constituents (CuAl2 or Si) and hence, the transition from general to localized corrosion. The situation was again reversed at very high silicon and cooper concentrations (Al-20%Si, Al-20%Cu) owing to the relative predominance of the eutectic phase constituent


IRE Journals:
A. I. Ijomah , N. E. Nwankwo , M. C. Anukwonke , I. G. Chibueze "Corrosion Of Aluminum Alloys" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 7 2022 Page 26-31

A. I. Ijomah , N. E. Nwankwo , M. C. Anukwonke , I. G. Chibueze "Corrosion Of Aluminum Alloys" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(7)