This research work is aimed to improve the existing condition of the earthing scheme under study, particularly the supply system 132/33kv transmission station (from Afam power station to Port Harcourt, Zone-2, Trans-Amadi Industrial layout), using touch & step voltage. Reliability techniques are used to check the effectiveness of the earthing condition under study. The results obtained under investigation shows activities and properties of the existing soil condition, the soil-derating factor of the soil are within 0.3 – 0.4 which suggests poor earthing condition this actually indicate poor interaction of soil earthing facility to the incidence of lightning occurrence in the event of probable faults incidence. The existing data was collected to validate operating earthing performance and check the effectiveness system reliability. The study case was modeled (power supply from Afam to zone-2) in electrical transient analyzer, Etap – 12.6 and application tool matlab for simulation of system parameters. The simulated plots show the exponential growing down behavior caused by a transient lightning strike incident on the station over the existing poor condition (derating factor 0.3-0.4) poor soil resistivity (m), low resistivity of thin layer materials, and low thickness of surface layer materials required necessary improvements (upgrade) of the soil variable for the purpose of ensuring reliable electricity power supply to end users. The study looked at the current start's configuration and design in order to upgrade all of the soil parameters and data that were below operating standards. The ground potential rise (GPR) and the thickness of thin layer crushed rock of (100mm, 4500m) materials were investigated for the proposition of an improved case in accordance with declared standard practice.
Earthen protection, 132/133Kv, lightning Protection
IRE Journals:
EMUDIANUGHE, Esejuwvewo John , D. C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide
"Analysis of Improved Lightning Protection Scheme for 132/33kv Port Harcourt Mains Transmission Sub-Station " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 227-237
EMUDIANUGHE, Esejuwvewo John , D. C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide
"Analysis of Improved Lightning Protection Scheme for 132/33kv Port Harcourt Mains Transmission Sub-Station " Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)