Effect of Machining Parameter Variance toward Turning Machine Machinability
  • Author(s): Johan Styfen Catner Neyland ; Rudy Poeng ; I Nyoman Gede
  • Paper ID: 1703063
  • Page: 154-158
  • Published Date: 24-12-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 6 December-2021

This research purpose to determine the effect of machining parameters on the machinability of a Turning Machine. To get this effect, it is necessary to test on a Turning Machine, using varying rotation and depth of cut while the feeding motion is constant. Based on the Excellence Sector of research at Sam Ratulangi University, the research outputs which related to the proposed research relate to the superior fields of maritime affairs. The result obtained from this research is that increasing cutting parameters, whether the rotation or cutting depth in the turning machine process, will reduce the specific cutting energy. Thus, this shows that the condition of the turning machine is considered good because by decreasing the specific cutting energy it can reduce production costs. However, the results of the two-way analysis of variance without interacting show that the rotational machining parameters have a significant effect on the machinability of the turning machine, while the depth of cut does not.


Machining parameter, machinability, Turning Machine.


IRE Journals:
Johan Styfen Catner Neyland , Rudy Poeng , I Nyoman Gede "Effect of Machining Parameter Variance toward Turning Machine Machinability" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 154-158

Johan Styfen Catner Neyland , Rudy Poeng , I Nyoman Gede "Effect of Machining Parameter Variance toward Turning Machine Machinability" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)