This work focuses on the vibration appraisal of a rotor shaft of a marine gas turbine utilizing excel software based approach for condition monitoring. The study took Ten (10) weeks during which data were measured, collated and studied. The gas turbine in which this investigation was done is the Marine Type Engine: Aero – Derived (ABB: ALSTOM): 75MW used in Afam III Power Station. The results obtained show that vibration causes the rotary parts like the four bearings in the rotor shaft to misaligned and load (energy) reduction. It was recommended that proactive condition based maintenance is required so as to avert unexpected unwarranted expenditures for yet – to – be conventional maintenance.
Vibration, Gas Turbine, Rotor Shaft, Excel Software, Condition Monitoring
IRE Journals:
Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Tonlagha, Onajite Rosemary
"Vibration Appraisal of a Rotor Shaft of a Marine Gas Turbine Utilizing Excel Software Based Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 124-129
Igoma, Emughiphel Nelson , Tonlagha, Onajite Rosemary
"Vibration Appraisal of a Rotor Shaft of a Marine Gas Turbine Utilizing Excel Software Based Approach" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)