Job satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working atmosphere. By making employees motivated toward their job increases their morale which ultimately increases benefits to the company because when employee feels happy and satisfied they work more and take fewer days off and stay loyal with the company. There are many factors in improving and maintaining high employee satisfaction which this paper will give concluded. Now a days with increasing population unemployment increases with highest growth rate which leads to job dissatisfaction in India. This paper aims at measuring job satisfaction among employees of retail sector of Lucknow and its impact on employee retention. This paper will give all the factors responsible for job dissatisfaction and suggestions to improve this problem arise among employee of retail sector of Lucknow to maintain employee retention.
Job satisfaction, employee retention, company overall profit, retail sector of Lucknow.
IRE Journals:
Rati Tiwari
"Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Retention in Retail Sector with Reference to Lucknow" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 78-82
Rati Tiwari
"Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Retention in Retail Sector with Reference to Lucknow" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)