Urban encroachment into arable land along the peri-urban areas of Govardhan village Nashik,Maharashtra state, India prompted this investigation. The study is aimed at determining rate, pattern and effects of uncontrolled spatial expansion in the city. This study examines the trend in peri-urban communities in Govardhan village. A randomly selected village farmers group isprovided with questionnaire. Primary data collected was analyzed using field survey while Geographical Information Systems (GIS) was used to capture vegetation and environmental changes. Findings revealed that 72% of interviewed farmers had a fear of losing their farmland to developmental projects as 16.1% of farmers had previously lost between 1 and 2 acres of farmland to Gangapur dam. Land modelling change detected that settlement/built-up-areas have increased and decreased of agricultural area to the loss of farmland/vegetative cover. The study discovered that such a degree of city encroachment and expansions into vegetative land cover is greatly hampering agricultural activities and farm production. Thus, the paper propose that the government and land administrators formulate and implement policies to encourage farmer to persuade their traditional occupation.
Agricultural land, vegetal land cover, Encroachment, housing and spatial expansion
IRE Journals:
V. M. Natraj , Rushikesh Sonawane , Sarthak Suryawanshi , Yash Kapdnis
"Study Of Encroachment of Agricultural Land in Peri Urban Region of Nashik, Maharashtra" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 6 2021 Page 49-52
V. M. Natraj , Rushikesh Sonawane , Sarthak Suryawanshi , Yash Kapdnis
"Study Of Encroachment of Agricultural Land in Peri Urban Region of Nashik, Maharashtra" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(6)