Online Marketing: A Burgeoning Covid Free Marketing Strategy and Some Reviving Post-Covid Marketing Measures
  • Author(s): Anshika Mishra
  • Paper ID: 1702972
  • Page: 120-127
  • Published Date: 20-11-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 5 November-2021

The year 2020 emerged as one of the drastic years in human history. The widespread outbreak of the pandemic covid-19 globally unleashed individuals' social aspects, economic status, and personal lives in an epic proportion. The nation has undergone a severe crisis because the government imposed a lockdown to prevent the spread of this contagion. The closure of the several months has completely disrupted the economic functioning and led to a breakdown in the economy. In such harsh circumstances, the businesses also find it extremely difficult to market their products through brick–and–mortar stores and interact personally with their customers. Though this pandemic put the survival companies in limbo but simultaneously, it also invokes immense opportunities for the businesses to initiate or expand their online presence and emerge as the leader on the digital dashboard. This critical situation thrives the way for online marketing, and it also pushes the business or the sellers to reframe their marketing strategies for coping and competing in the market. Online marketing is the practice of advertising, persuading, and selling goods and services through a digital medium or via an online platform. The outbreak of this deadly virus has wholly revolutionized the behavior of consumers towards online platforms. A remarkable surge has been witnessed in sales undertaken through online marketing, and it was expected that this positive change might stick even to the post-pandemic period as well. Due to the massive wave of digitalization, the online market is expected to grow at 20 percent, with a market size of 18,938 Cr by 2021. This paper aims to determine how covid impacted the market and how the marketers respond to it by changing their marketing strategies. It also tries to analyse the present scenario and significance of online marketing and suggests some measures to make it a prodigious one.


Outbreak, Pandemic, Contagion, Online marketing, Lockdown, Brick and mortar stores, Unleashed, Digitalisation


IRE Journals:
Anshika Mishra "Online Marketing: A Burgeoning Covid Free Marketing Strategy and Some Reviving Post-Covid Marketing Measures" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 5 2021 Page 120-127

Anshika Mishra "Online Marketing: A Burgeoning Covid Free Marketing Strategy and Some Reviving Post-Covid Marketing Measures" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(5)