Influence of Climate Change And Its Awareness in Agriculture Field of Tamil Nadu Region
  • Author(s): Dr. N. Nagarajan ; Dr. S. Sivaprakasam ; Dr. K. Karthikeyan ; M. K. Malligai
  • Paper ID: 1702942
  • Page: 26-31
  • Published Date: 16-10-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 4 October-2021

In Tamil Nadu majority of the people depend on agriculture for employment which is highly perceptive to climate volatility. Climate and Agriculture are interrelated processes. Climate change is projected to have evident influence on the factors affecting agriculture, including temperature, precipitation and surface runoff. The overall consequence of Climate Change on agriculture will depend on the balance of these effects by the power of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change. This study aims to evaluate the impact of climate variables on agriculture and bring out the consciousness to the farmers who are quitting from their agricultural activities due to this correspondence of ill effects and helps to prolong their life of human beings for present and future generations.


Climate Change, Impact, Yield, Temperature, Surface runoff.


IRE Journals:
Dr. N. Nagarajan , Dr. S. Sivaprakasam , Dr. K. Karthikeyan , M. K. Malligai "Influence of Climate Change And Its Awareness in Agriculture Field of Tamil Nadu Region" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 4 2021 Page 26-31

Dr. N. Nagarajan , Dr. S. Sivaprakasam , Dr. K. Karthikeyan , M. K. Malligai "Influence of Climate Change And Its Awareness in Agriculture Field of Tamil Nadu Region" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(4)