A budget is the principal instrument of fiscal policy used to encourage stable growth, sustainable development and prosperity in the economy. It is a comprehensive document that outlines what economic and non-economic activities a government wants to undertake with special focus on policies, objectives and strategies for accomplishments that are substantiated with revenue and expenditure projections. This paper examines the multidimensional nature of budget and the budgeting process in Nigeria. It considers budgeting as politics,process, game, ritual, expression of policy, allocator and technical administrative tool. It recommended that actors in the budgeting process must take into consideration, the multifaceted nature of budget before concluding decisions on the budget document.
IRE Journals:
Ebong, Edem Asuquo , Eteng Edet Enang , Inah, Emmanuel Mkpe , Ndum, Victor Etim
"Conceptual Assessment of the Multidimensional Nature of Budgeting In Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 3 2021 Page 126-136
Ebong, Edem Asuquo , Eteng Edet Enang , Inah, Emmanuel Mkpe , Ndum, Victor Etim
"Conceptual Assessment of the Multidimensional Nature of Budgeting In Nigeria" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(3)