An Improved Photovoltaic System for The Operation of a Poultry Farm
  • Author(s): AMADI, John Okebanum ; D.C. Idoniboyeobu ; S. L. Braide
  • Paper ID: 1702902
  • Page: 89-94
  • Published Date: 01-09-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 2 August-2021

The study considered the electronic power supply to the operations of poultry farm for improved power quality. The activities of poor and unreliable electricity power supply in the study case makes the marketing and business engagement in low breaking-even point (thetas profit), thereby driven the entire system with higher operational fuel cost (diesel). The research work adopted optimal economic sizing technique that required electrical load data profile determination for successful sizing and optimization of a micogrid PV/solar system as an alternative power supply system to the poultry farm (chicken farm) for reliable and consistent energy requirement. The solar irradiation and the ambient temperature data of the Rumu-ekene Community in Obia-Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State was accessed from NASA database in order to determine adequate power generation from that location following to the load profile needed in the poultry facilities and electrical equipment consumption patter trend. The system configuration includes PV and battery in order to sustained the amount of energy from the solar PV system to the storage (battery). The optimal sizing technique was applied to the diesel-generator and PV-Diesel hybrid configuration for purpose of efficient power delivery to the chicken farm under investigation. The results shows that PV battery system has about 90% renewable energy penetration with little or no carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon-monoxide (CO), unburned hydro-carbon etc emissions in the zone. That as this configuration is environmentally friendly essentially, the system cost is relatively higher compared to PV-Diesel hybrid system. The PV-Diesel hybrid system which had about 80% penetration even in cost.


Photovoltaic System, Power system, renewable energy, Battery capacity


IRE Journals:
AMADI, John Okebanum , D.C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide "An Improved Photovoltaic System for The Operation of a Poultry Farm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 89-94

AMADI, John Okebanum , D.C. Idoniboyeobu , S. L. Braide "An Improved Photovoltaic System for The Operation of a Poultry Farm" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)