Bond markets are one of the most well-liked alternative investment tools that the Indian financial system has turned to since the introduction of the LPG plan. Risk-free investment bonds are the finest tools for a balanced economic growth and for both individual and large investors. Bharat Bond ETF, a pioneering Bond ETF, was launched by the Indian government. This essay will assist readers in comprehending the Overview of the Bharat Bond ETF, its benefits, the Bond's portfolio structure, the plan of operations based on the Bond's maturity period, and the opportunities available to non-Demat investors to purchase Bonds, among other topics.
Bharat Bond ETF, Portfolio Pattern and Fund of Funds.
IRE Journals:
Dr. Sharanraj
"A Study on Bharat Bond ETF" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 131-135
Dr. Sharanraj
"A Study on Bharat Bond ETF" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)