Automatic Breaking System Using Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Author(s): Naveen Navudu ; Aravind Ramapatruni ; Jagadeesh Polaki ; Jaya Surya Navagana ; Srihari Palli
  • Paper ID: 1702891
  • Page: 30-35
  • Published Date: 14-08-2021
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 5 Issue 2 August-2021

The World’s population is increasing day by day, due to this the usage of automobiles is also increasing. As Automobiles increasing the death rate due to road accidents is also rising. Thousands of people are losing their lives due to major reason like brake failure, drunk and drive, late applying of brakes etc., to overcome from this risks, advanced ultrasonic braking system is introduced. It is an automatic braking system consists of Ultrasonic transducer, Ultrasonic receiver, Arduino UNOR3 band with PIC microcontroller, DC gear motor, servomotor and a mechanical braking arrangement. This is an effective mechatronic system. In this system the ultrasonic wave emitter provided on the front portion of the car to produce the ultrasonic waves. And also, an ultrasonic receiver is placed in front of the car to receive reflected ultrasonic wave. This detected pulse is taken by the microcontroller to, control the speed of the vehicle. As the evolving of the different types of IC engines, in this modern era speed is a major factor and leads to catastrophic incidents. So, by using Ultrasonic braking system we can prevent the death rate of road accidents.


Ultrasonic waves, Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino, Microcontroller, Mechanical Braking Arrangement.


IRE Journals:
Naveen Navudu , Aravind Ramapatruni , Jagadeesh Polaki , Jaya Surya Navagana , Srihari Palli "Automatic Breaking System Using Ultrasonic Sensor" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 30-35

Naveen Navudu , Aravind Ramapatruni , Jagadeesh Polaki , Jaya Surya Navagana , Srihari Palli "Automatic Breaking System Using Ultrasonic Sensor" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)