The study examines the effect of human resource development on the growth of organizations; the main objective of the study is to investigate the effect that human resource development have on the growth of an organization. Using an ex-post- facto research design, secondary source of data and regression analysis, a population of five different quoted company in Nigeria stock exchange and a sample size of five quoted company which were purposively selected from Nigeria stock exchange. The Finding from the study indicates that human resource development plays very vital role in the growth of an organization and that employee training cost and staff conferencing attendance cost all have significant effect on the growth of an organization. This study therefore, recommended that human resource should never be neglected in an organization, it should be effectively trained to ensure adequate organizational productivity and performance that can lead to organizational growth. Human resources development should be well funded to enable effective growth and human resource development Programmes should be well planned in order to ensure effective training and performance of the individual in contributing to the growth of the organization
Human Resource Development and Organizational Growth
IRE Journals:
Ogujiofor Magnus Nkemjika , Monye Osita
"Effect Of Human Resource Development on The Growth of Organizations A Study of Five Selected Quoted Companies" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 2 2021 Page 95-124
Ogujiofor Magnus Nkemjika , Monye Osita
"Effect Of Human Resource Development on The Growth of Organizations A Study of Five Selected Quoted Companies" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(2)